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Draft - Community Engagement Charter & Framework

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A few sections on Table of contents are doubled up.
A worthy goal, which needs to include clear and defensible rationale for any information and decision making that cannot, for legal reasons, be made fully available to the public. For example, if specific details about such things as tenders or legal matters cannot be shared publicly, the reasons why not and the process used to make any decision or take a specific action should be made clear to help people feel comfortable that staff and councillors are acting in good faith and are not being improperly influenced.
I responded to the poll asking which of the three terms, resident, citizen or community member should be used. I chose community member believing it’s the most inclusive. Businesses and organizations may not identify themselves as residents in the normal usage of that word, and citizen may confuse an immigrant or refugee claimant who don’t see themselves as citizens until they become official Canadian citizens, even if this doesn’t apply to municipal matters. I didn’t see an opportunity to make this comment in the poll itself so I’m including it here. I believe using the term community member consistently is better aligned with the charter’s intent and the definitions provided within it.
Really like how this document is presented, a nice update from previous charter. All the best :)
Would love to see another principle added here for "Quality of Experience" or "Providing a Great Experience" - i.e. focus on how people feel about their total experience when engaging with the City. At the end of an engagement, or through the engagement process, it would be wonderful to gather feedback on how people are feeling throughout - what do they like, not like, and use that data to create a positive feedback loop for improvements. Customer journey mapping or empathy mapping could also help to trace the resident's experience of engagement, how they feel throughout and how we might adjust in future
Looks like there are lots of ways we could collaborate between CX and Comms, Engagement to collect and share data on participant feedback, and customer feedback. We would like to work together and support this, as our data might be stronger together and we might have some helpful overall customer insights to share
Suggest this section be formatted in a table, use bullets if possible.
Edit text for accessibility.
Very text heavy paragraph. Suggest to use bullets and space out content.
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Identify and engage with equity deserving groups (Indigenous, Black, 2SLGBTQI+)
Use bullets.
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Recommend table format with "Roles" on the left hand side and description on the right (with bullets).
Edit font to be more accessible.
Reframe in a positive light? "We heard from residents that more detail was needed..."
This section is very text heavy. Suggest that a timeline format might work better with chronological order of events, use bullets.
Edit font to make it more accessible.
Is this text accessible/AODA approved? It is a little challenging to read online.
No suggested change- just a general supportive comment because engagement techniques can be quite different in the urban vs. rural area. For example, many rural residents used to communicate a preference for newspaper notices but this is challenging with the recent closure of the Burlington Post. For rural-specific matters where the population is generally much smaller, approaches like direct mail-outs might be best (whereas this would not be feasible in the urban area due to cost). I think this premise is covered by the existing content of the charter, just wanted to share this context since Burlington does have significantly varying geography throughout its boundaries.
Why have these two steps been combined?
Telephone town halls where the Public doesn't get to ask follow-up questions are not engagement,
Consult isn't a one way street.
Techniques or Tactics?
Techniques or Tactics?
When the communications people talk of tactics there is a suggestion that the public is the enemy against whom strategies and tactics need to be applied.
What is the Charter and what is the Framework?
Why are they combined in one document?
Some of this is a manual for staff on how to do engagement.
What exactly is the Charter?
Who is "your"?
Is this for Staff?
I think you need to be clear what is the charter and what is the framework.,
Debate is discussion. Arguments are engagement.
Need a definition for Accountability.
How is it measured?
How has accountability been addressed? What body holds staff and council accountable for following the Engagement Charter?
If IAP2 is the gold standard why do we need a made in Burlington version?
I have concern using the phrase “for the greater good”. What is the definition of the greater good? There is a conflict stated in that on one hand democratic principles will be followed but decisions will be made for the greater good. “For the greater good” principle argues that certain evils are needed for certain greater goods to happen. Utilitarianism holds the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. It is a moral framework to justify the evils in the world. This is not democracy. So you can not say you follow democracy with a utilitarian approach. I would like to see “the greater good” removed as it lacks a definition to the extent it would be used and it is a conflict to the word democracy.

Love the diversity represented in this imagery. Would like to also see children, and a broader range of body sizes for more inclusivity/representation.